Nursery education project Txanogorritxu / Little Red Nursery school - Método Glenn Doman Bits

The units are bits of intelligence information, offered to children in large, clear, sharp images, performing and visual stimuli, but also be accompanied by oral information are also auditory stimuli.

For the method to work properly it has to do quickly, rarely and with enthusiasm. That is, it is to present to babies sheets one or more categories, stating aloud the name of each bit. The aim is to enable children to identify people, animals, things or objects that can not meet directly. The principle is to finish sooner than they want and always leave you with wanting more.



glenn doman method

El ambiente ha de ser de expectación y silencio, para no perderse las imágenes que se les van a presentar. Hay que elegir tres momentos de la jornada en la que estén especialmente receptivos. Se enuncia la categoría y se presentan los bits, cada uno en un segundo. Es aconsejable seguir el mismo orden para favorecer la estructuración mental.


This method is very useful and appropriate because it increases the ability to retain information, stimulates the intellect, increase vocabulary, develop the visual and auditory memory, and fosters curiosity and interest in all fields of knowledge.

This method allows us to direct the business in various ways, when we say we say language forms. In our case 2/3 arise in different languages: Basque or Catalan as the main language (If the nursery belongs to the Basque Country and Catalonia), English and Castilian.

Each week intervening bits are rotated new images, depending on the months of babies with the language were raised that day.

This method is a fundamental part in the intellectual development of infants, because it encourages them to concerns of knowledge in a personal way.

Doman bits method